The 10 Rocks of TRUTH

A presentation of the 10 Rocks of Truth. This is an attempt to condense the Assembly of God’s 16 Fundamentals of Truth in 10 TRUTHS for kids. 1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God It declares God’s design and plan for people (including kids!) 2. There is only one true God revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  We also believe that Jesus is 100% God and 100% Human. 3. The first humans fell into sin which brought about evil and death (physical and spiritual) into the world. 4. Anyone can become a Born-Again Christian—God loves everyone and all people have a chance to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. 5. We Practice two Ordinances: Water Baptism and Holy Communion 6. The Holy Spirit gives us power for living a Christian life including power in prayer, ministry and in witnessing 7. Christians have a Mission to lead people to God by example and word of mouth. Every Christian is a part of the Body of Christ. 8. Divine Healing is a possibility for Christians. Healing of the sick happens today and Christians should give God the opportunity to heal by praying for the sick. 9. Jesus is going to come back for Christians. Jesus could come back at any moment to take all Christians with Him. 10. There will be a Final Judgment Day and God is preparing a place for us called HEAVEN!